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Chocolate is a panaceum!

Do you know any tested ways to get plenty of energy and cheer yourselves up? We recommend good chocolate!


It is commonly known that sweets cause tooth decay. But, it does not apply to dark chocolate! Its asset is that it contains natural cocoa ingredients, i.e. theobromine, which strengthens the enamel, and tannin, which prevents bacteria from sticking to tooth surface.


Additionally, the more dark cocoa, the more antioxidants fighting free radicals in the organism. Antioxidants in chocolate belonging to two groups, namely: polyphenols and flavonoids, are particularly important for the mouth cavity. The former neutralise microbes contributing to halitosis, and also prevent gum infections, whilst the latter stop the formation of acids dangerous to teeth.

Bitter chocolate is the healthiest option as it contains least sugar and most cocoa. Moreover, thanks to adding nut or fruit, it will supply the organism with more vegetable fats and antoxidants, both of which are good for our health.


Chocolate contains microelements important for our health such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper, and also vitamins: B6, B2, A, E, B3, B12. Phenethylamine contained in cholocate stimulutes the production of endorfins, colloquially referred to as 'hormones of happiness', which cheers us up and mitigates the negative effect of stress.


So… enjoy your chocolate!


And remember that the best protection against tooth decay is the proper hygiene of the mouth cavity and regular checkups at a stomatologist.